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Image by Lina Trochez

Congregational Care & Connections

At FPC we value caring connections and we believe that not only our pastors, but our church officers and members are called to care.

Need to Contact a Pastor?

If you are, or will be hospitalized or having surgery, we want to know. If you would like home communion brought to you, we are eager to do so. Call our church office or email Pastor Diane so our pastoral staff can reach out.

Our Deacons are ordained church officers who oversee a variety of ministries that help members connect to the care they need, and care for one another. The ministry of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of witness, service and compassion; sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless and the oppressed. The Board of Deacons serves the congregation and others with ministries focused on…

Lay Visitation, calling upon those in need of comfort with occasional visits and phone calls. If you would like someone to visit you or a loved one, contact Pastor Diane.

Health, promoting wellness of body, mind and spirit through educational opportunities and resources. Watch for upcoming opportunities to be announced or request further information.

Prayer, praying for those in our congregation and beyond. Request prayer here.

Memorial Receptions, a labor of love for grieving families, offering refreshments and hospitality to memorial service guests. Find out more.

Neighborhood Care Groups, creating opportunities for neighbors to care for and fellowship with one another. Find out more.

Knitting, gifting items hand-made with love to convey sympathy or joy. Find out more.

Flower Ministry, creating arrangements to be delivered to those at home, in the hospital or nursing facilities. If you would like to arrange flowers, deliver them, or know someone who would appreciate a flower delivery, let us know.


Stephen Ministry, caring for those experiencing grief, divorce, illness or other life changes. Find out more.

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Request a Prayer

Our pastors, church staff and prayer chain ministry stand ready to pray with and for you.  Prayer can be requested anonymously; or for follow-up please leave your contact information.

Thanks for sending a prayer request. If you shared your information, we will be in touch with you.

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Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are specially trained laypersons who provide one-to-one care to those who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.  This caring ministry is free and confidential. To be matched with a Stephen Minister contact Pastor Diane.

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A Stephen Minister is not expected to be a therapist or pastor. A Stephen Minister is someone who will “be there” for his or her care receiver, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week, for as long as there’s a need. Might YOU have the gifts and passion to become a Stephen Minister? To learn more about how to become a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Diane.

Neighborhood Care Groups

Neighborhood Care Groups were started to provide a means for caring for church members within a defined geographical area. We want to make our large church have more of a small church feel, where we know each other and care for each other. Some of the benefits of participating in your neighborhood care group include:

  • Developing relationships with your church neighbors via “get to know you events,” periodic fellowship events, and welcoming new members.

  • Caring for neighbors with needs by offering food delivery, transportation to and from church, non-medical respite care, care for pets in emergency situations etc.

Find your group.

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