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Amazin' Grazin'
Share a meal, enjoy fellowship and meet new people! In February, FPC will launch Amazin' Grazin,' a monthly opportunity for singles and...

Book Study: "The Walk"
All-church book study of Adam Hamilton's book, The Walk, will begin January 15. The study will coincide with a sermon series on...
Journey to Bethlehem
Share in the joy of Christmas on a walking tour of Bethlehem as it was at the time of Jesus' birth. Live nativity—this free event is for...

Christmas Eve Services
4:30 p.m. - Family Worship; 8 p.m. - Candlelight and Christmas Music; 10:30 p.m. - Candlelight, Christmas Music & Communion

Advent Devotional
The Advent devotional is available in hard copy at the church. For the link to the digital version, write to

Digging Deeper Bible Study with Pastor Will Robinson
During Advent, Pastor Will Robinson will lead a discussion of Biblical texts which are the basis of Sunday sermons. Bible Study meets...

“International Carol Suites” on December 4
The Sanctuary Choir, joined by singers from the community will present "International Carol Suites" on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 4:30 p.m. Based...

CrossRoads Worship on December 11 to feature Christmas Music
On Sunday, Dec. 11, at 9:00 a.m., CrossRoads worship will feature Christmas music throughout the service led by Lavon Stevens, Lauren...

Journey to Bethlehem
Visit Bethlehem as it was at the time of Jesus' birth! On December 17 & 18, 5:30-7:30 p.m., enjoy FPC's walk-through Nativity.

Service of Remembrance
Through Scripture, song, prayers of hope and time for reflection, the Service of Remembrance enables us to honor those who have gone...

Christmas Day
Join us on Christmas at 10 a.m., a one-service Sunday, to sing Christmas Carols celebrate together the joy of Jesus' birth.

Fall @ FPC: Sunday Schedule
Sunday schedule beginning September 11: 9:00 a.m. CrossRoads Worship in the Fellowship Hall 10:00 a.m Fellowship in the Gathering Space...

Journey to Joy: Women's Retreat
The Journey to Joy Women's Retreat will be held January 20-21, 2023 with event leader Leigh Young. More details coming soon.

Coffee & Conversation: October 20
Join in conversation with Shari Manning, PhD, diving into typical post-pandemic anxiety. How have our lives changed? Coffee &...
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