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Fall Youth Group Kickoff/September 10
On Sunday, September 10, there will be a parent meeting at 4 PM in the youth space. Following will be dinner and games for both middle...

We are extremely excited to welcome our new Associate Pastor!
On Sunday, August 20, the congregation unanimously elected Rev. Elizabeth B. Johnson as our new Associate Pastor for Congregational...

It's time for Backpack Buddies
FPC has long supported BPB, an organization that provides nutritious, child-friendly food for school children to take home over the...

Month of July - FPC supports Marion Medical Mission
Marion Medical Mission seeks to share the love of Christ with the extreme poor in Africa by building wells to provide clean, safe,...

July 19-23 FPC Youth at Montreat Middle School Conference
Ella Price, Sophia Morales Tharin, Kacie Tharin, FPC volunteer Amy Cross and Jackie Wilhelm, FPC's Director of Faith Formation, are...

Antioch Education Center Expanding
"We are undergoing new construction that will add over 6,000 square feet to our facility," says Executive Director Jackie O'Bannon about...

Prayer Project Begins July 1
One of our summer images is that of a church in prayer. FPC's two-month Prayer Project will begin on July 1. Ninety-one volunteers are...

Youth participate in retreat
This week seven members of FPC's Youth Group - along with three adults - are exploring the sources and meaning of authentic joy grounded...

Your gifts and talents make FPC special!
FPC has long been dedicated to our vision of Every Member in Ministry. If you have a "green thumb" you might want to join the gardeners...

Prayer Project 2023
As in years past, this summer FPC will conduct the Prayer Project. By participating, you have the opportunity to live our core church...

Operation Christmas Child is Underway
Thanks to your help and support of OCC in 2022, 400 shoeboxes were filled and shipped to children around the world. "This year, we hope...

We need your input!
This summer, starting Sunday, July 9, there will be a worship-sermon series based on YOUR big faith questions. If you have a question...

School Uniform Drive Continues
The uniform drive is part of FPC’s Local Outreach Ministry. Funds raised are used to buy uniforms in bulk and then are distributed to...

In Honor of May Day
Members of FPC's Health Ministry and Board of Deacons visited homes to take beautiful begonias to 71 members age 90 and over. Those...

FPC is an Earth Care Congregation
For the second year, FPC has received certification from PC(USA) as an Earth Care Congregation. This certification recognizes churches...

Magnificent Cantata on Palm Sunday
The Sanctuary Choir and Chamber Orchestra presented Our Father: A Musical Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer. This choral presentation was...

We're looking for a second Associate Pastor
FPC's Associate Pastor Nominating Committee continues its work to discern God’s will for our Associate Pastor for Congregational...

Women's Retreat at Montreat ~ Aug 11-13
Women’s Connection 2023 will be a time to connect with old and new friends, a time to care for yourself; a time for space and Sabbath....

March 1 is the Kick-off for All-Church Study and Sermon-Worship Series
Join us for a presentation by author Dr. Douglas Fletcher who will speak about his book, The Only Prayer You'll Ever Need. Dinner spots...

Amazin' Grazin'
Share a meal, enjoy fellowship and meet new people! In February, FPC will launch Amazin' Grazin,' a monthly opportunity for singles and...
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